Travis CI API Docs


A list of repositories for the current user.


repositories[Repository]List of repositories.

Collection Items

Each entry in the repositories array has the following attributes:

idIntegerValue uniquely identifying the repository.
nameStringThe repository's name on GitHub.
slugStringSame as {}/{}.
descriptionStringThe repository's description from GitHub.
github_idIntegerThe repository's id on GitHub.
vcs_idUnknownThe repository's vcs_id.
vcs_typeUnknownThe repository's vcs_type.
github_languageStringThe main programming language used according to GitHub.
activeBooleanWhether or not this repository is currently enabled on Travis CI.
privateBooleanWhether or not this repository is private.
ownerOwnerGitHub user or organization the repository belongs to.
owner_nameUnknownThe repository's owner_name.
vcs_nameUnknownThe repository's vcs_name.
default_branchBranchThe default branch on GitHub.
starredBooleanWhether or not this repository is starred.
managed_by_installationBooleanWhether or not this repository is managed by a GitHub App installation.
active_on_orgBooleanWhether or not this repository runs builds on (may also be null).
migration_statusUnknownThe repository's migration_status.
history_migration_statusUnknownThe repository's history_migration_status.
sharedUnknownThe repository's shared.
config_validationUnknownThe repository's config_validation.
server_typeUnknownThe repository's server_type.
scan_failed_atUnknownThe repository's scan_failed_at.
build_countUnknownThe repository's build_count.
current_buildBuildThe most recently started build (this excludes builds that have been created but have not yet started).
last_started_buildBuildAlias for current_build.
next_build_numberUnknownThe repository's next_build_number.
private_keyUnknownThe repository's private_key.
tokenUnknownThe repository's token.
user_settingsUnknownThe repository's user_settings.
allow_migrationUnknownThe repository's allow_migration.
email_subscribedUnknownThe repository's email_subscribed.


For Owner

This returns a list of repositories an owner has access to.

Template VariableTypeDescription
github_idUnknownDocumentation missing.
Query ParameterTypeDescription
active[Boolean]Alias for
active_on_org[Boolean]Alias for repository.active_on_org.
include[String]List of attributes to eager load.
limitIntegerHow many repositories to include in the response. Used for pagination.
managed_by_installation[Boolean]Alias for repository.managed_by_installation.
offsetIntegerHow many repositories to skip before the first entry in the response. Used for pagination.
private[Boolean]Alias for repository.private.[Boolean]Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is currently enabled on Travis CI.
repository.active_on_org[Boolean]Filters repositories by whether or not this repository runs builds on (may also be null).
repository.managed_by_installation[Boolean]Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is managed by a GitHub App installation.
repository.private[Boolean]Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is private.
repository.starred[Boolean]Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is starred.
sort_by[String]Attributes to sort repositories by. Used for pagination.
starred[Boolean]Alias for repository.starred.

Sortable by: id, github_id, vcs_id, owner_name, name, active, default_branch.last_build, append :desc to any attribute to reverse order.

Template VariableTypeDescription
providerUnknownDocumentation missing.
loginUnknownDocumentation missing.
Query ParameterTypeDescription
active[Boolean]Alias for
active_on_org[Boolean]Alias for repository.active_on_org.
include[String]List of attributes to eager load.
limitIntegerHow many repositories to include in the response. Used for pagination.
managed_by_installation[Boolean]Alias for repository.managed_by_installation.
offsetIntegerHow many repositories to skip before the first entry in the response. Used for pagination.
private[Boolean]Alias for repository.private.[Boolean]Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is currently enabled on Travis CI.
repository.active_on_org[Boolean]Filters repositories by whether or not this repository runs builds on (may also be null).
repository.managed_by_installation[Boolean]Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is managed by a GitHub App installation.
repository.private[Boolean]Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is private.
repository.starred[Boolean]Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is starred.
sort_by[String]Attributes to sort repositories by. Used for pagination.
starred[Boolean]Alias for repository.starred.

Sortable by: id, github_id, vcs_id, owner_name, name, active, default_branch.last_build, append :desc to any attribute to reverse order.

Template VariableTypeDescription
loginUnknownDocumentation missing.
Query ParameterTypeDescription
active[Boolean]Alias for
active_on_org[Boolean]Alias for repository.active_on_org.
include[String]List of attributes to eager load.
limitIntegerHow many repositories to include in the response. Used for pagination.
managed_by_installation[Boolean]Alias for repository.managed_by_installation.
offsetIntegerHow many repositories to skip before the first entry in the response. Used for pagination.
private[Boolean]Alias for repository.private.[Boolean]Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is currently enabled on Travis CI.
repository.active_on_org[Boolean]Filters repositories by whether or not this repository runs builds on (may also be null).
repository.managed_by_installation[Boolean]Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is managed by a GitHub App installation.
repository.private[Boolean]Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is private.
repository.starred[Boolean]Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is starred.
sort_by[String]Attributes to sort repositories by. Used for pagination.
starred[Boolean]Alias for repository.starred.

Sortable by: id, github_id, vcs_id, owner_name, name, active, default_branch.last_build, append :desc to any attribute to reverse order.

For Current User

This returns a list of repositories the current user has access to.

Query ParameterTypeDescription
active[Boolean]Alias for
active_on_org[Boolean]Alias for repository.active_on_org.
include[String]List of attributes to eager load.
limitIntegerHow many repositories to include in the response. Used for pagination.
managed_by_installation[Boolean]Alias for repository.managed_by_installation.
offsetIntegerHow many repositories to skip before the first entry in the response. Used for pagination.
private[Boolean]Alias for repository.private.[Boolean]Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is currently enabled on Travis CI.
repository.active_on_org[Boolean]Filters repositories by whether or not this repository runs builds on (may also be null).
repository.managed_by_installation[Boolean]Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is managed by a GitHub App installation.
repository.private[Boolean]Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is private.
repository.starred[Boolean]Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is starred.
sort_by[String]Attributes to sort repositories by. Used for pagination.
starred[Boolean]Alias for repository.starred.

Example:GET /repos?limit=5&sort_by=active,name

Sortable by: id, github_id, vcs_id, owner_name, name, active, default_branch.last_build, append :desc to any attribute to reverse order.