Travis CI API Docs


This will be either a user or organization.


Minimal Representation

Included when the resource is returned as part of another resource.

idIntegerValue uniquely identifying the owner.
loginStringUser or organization login set on GitHub.
nameStringUser or organization name set on GitHub.
vcs_typeUnknownThe owner's vcs_type.
ro_modeUnknownThe owner's ro_mode.

Standard Representation

Included when the resource is the main response of a request, or is eager loaded.

idIntegerValue uniquely identifying the owner.
loginStringUser or organization login set on GitHub.
nameStringUser or organization name set on GitHub.
github_idIntegerUser or organization id set on GitHub.
vcs_idUnknownThe owner's vcs_id.
vcs_typeUnknownThe owner's vcs_type.
avatar_urlStringLink to user or organization avatar (image) set on GitHub.
educationBooleanWhether or not the owner has an education account.
allow_migrationUnknownThe owner's allow_migration.
allowanceUnknownThe owner's allowance.
ro_modeUnknownThe owner's ro_mode.
custom_keysUnknownThe owner's custom_keys.
trial_allowedUnknownThe owner's trial_allowed.

Additional Attributes

repositories[Repository]Repositories belonging to this account.
installationInstallationInstallation belonging to the owner.
trial_allowedUnknownThe owner's trial_allowed.



This returns an individual owner. It is possible to use the GitHub login or github_id in the request.

Template VariableTypeDescription
github_idUnknownDocumentation missing.
Query ParameterTypeDescription
include[String]List of attributes to eager load.
Template VariableTypeDescription
providerUnknownDocumentation missing.
loginUnknownDocumentation missing.
Query ParameterTypeDescription
include[String]List of attributes to eager load.
Template VariableTypeDescription
loginUnknownDocumentation missing.
Query ParameterTypeDescription
include[String]List of attributes to eager load.